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Sunday, August 5, 2018

Work Service.

I had the same crappy work service for BOTH YEARS!

Senior Year Field Trips.

I have no idea why Shannon Outlaw is missing from the Aquatic Ecology trip, as she was MOST DEFINITELY THERE. Another of my most favorite memories is her yelling "LOOK! It's a sandhill crane!!!" every time that we saw a bird. Any bird. A seagull. A crow. A bluejay. Valasek nearly lost his mind, and I still laugh every time that we pass the sandhill crane sanctuary in Mississippi.

Dedication Day.

However, not everyone was so thrilled to find us on the MUW campus that autumn:


The Infamous Case of the Abandoned Cook Baby.

The day of Judy's arrest for kidnapping is one of my favorite MSMS memories.

Friday, August 3, 2018

A few Pages from my personal Memory Book.

This is one of my very favorite pics from MSMS. Nearing Christmas of 1988. Several different groups of us crossed paths in Leigh Mall, and we had our photo taken with the mall Santa!

The first half of the final semester, and I finally got an MSMS report card with out a C on it! Also, that Pascal programming has come in really handy over the years....

Suzanne & I were working on our tans. It was March of 1990. It was cold. But we were ready to get some color, and the MUW newspaper photographer recognized that this was reportable-level crazy. 

What a Difference a Year Makes!

Top: 1988. Terrfied. Painfully shy. Homesick already. Convinced that I had made a terrible mistake. 

MSMS DIRECTORY, Autumn 1989!

I have no memory of EVER seeing this before until Lorraine found it in her MSMS box during a major household cleanout a few months ago. It is truly a treasure!