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Sunday, June 21, 2009

Tentative Itinerary.

While we are far from certain on the exact itinerary, this is the likely framework.

Lunch in Columbus
1p-3p - gather in Hogarth, PB lodgers receive room assignment
3p - sit it on chosen class for last period of the day
4p - some sort of 'state of the school' address in Hooper Auditorium followed by a school tour
5:30 - gather at Proffitt's Porch for dinner
8p - special performance of Tales of the Crypt IF AT ALL POSSIBLE.
10p - gather at PB

*Saturday -
sleep in, recover from Friday evening
Lunch on own
1:30p - opening of the Time Capsule - somewhere on campus; Mississippi Public Broadcasting interviews for MSMS documentary; presentation of donation check
6:30p - Group photo at PB
7p - Dinner
Nomination & acceptance of duty for planning the 25th
9p - Entertainment - a DJ, band, or combination of each

*Sunday morning-
Gather room keys & turn in to PB
Lunch - on own

It's That Time!

Hi, folks. While it is hard to believe, it is time to begin serious preparation for our 20-year reunion! After some preliminary discussion on Facebook, and some coordination with the MSMS & Columbus event calendars, a date has been set. The weekend of April 16-18 is the date that we have reserved. Several weekends already had conflicts, such as prom, orientation, graduation, etc. While April falls within the school year, and many of us have children in school, we felt that it was important to have our reunion while MSMS was in session. We will have the opportunity to visit the school, see all the new developments, and visit with staff.

We will be holding our activities at the Plymouth Bluff Center, just outside of Columbus. For those who attended the 10-year, I'm sure that you have fond memories of our weekend there. It is a beautiful facility, set up on the bluff over an old section the river. We will have a catered dinner on Saturday evening, followed by a dance on the outside pavilion.

Plymouth Bluff also has 22 rooms, providing the same facilities as local hotels. These rooms will be allocated on a first-come first-served basis. Unlike last time when individuals reserved rooms directly with Plymouth Bluff, PB has given us all of the rooms in advance, and the planning committee is on the line for the entire cost. There are also plenty of local hotels in the Columbus-Starkville area for those who would rather be in town. However, with the Columbus Spring Pilgrimage in process that weekend, it would be wise to make those reservations as soon as possible. The Pilgrimage can be a great alternative activity for spouses who may not want to be completely immersed in the MSMS experience for three days.

Also, we should have the opportunity to attend a performance of Tales From the Crypt, the award-winning project that MSMS has been doing since around 1992. This project is developed each year by MSMS history students, and is performed in Friendship Cemetery several times during Pilgrimage. If you have never been able to attend before, it is always remarkable. While there, we can also visit the graves of Carl Butler & Judy Morris.

Costs are still being determined. The facilities at Plymouth Bluff, which includes the 22 guest rooms, is costing around $3800. In addition, we still have to figure in catering & entertainment for Saturday evening. We are cautiously estimating around $6000. We would very much like to have a tidy sum left over that we can donate to MSMS. With the recently-added $1,000 tuition, and the constant need to replace & update equipment and dorm furniture, there is always a need for more money. Now that we are 20 years out, it would be admirable if we can make a financial impact as a group.

So, regarding individual registration fees....... If you are reserving a room at Plymouth Bluff, the cost for the room will be $150 (2 nights at $75/night), plus a $75 fee per single adult or $125 per couple to cover all the other costs. If you are staying elsewhere, the fee is $75 per single adult or $125 per couple. The preferred method for paying fees is through Paypal, which will give you the ability to pay through your bank account or through a credit card.

We will be updating the registration list as money comes in. Of course, for all of this to work, we need as many to attend as possible. There will always be circumstances preventing someone from coming, but hopefully with 10 months notice, most people who want to come will be able to plan appropriately. Please email all of your friends and be sure that they are aware of the plans. Help us find the lost alums, who are listed on the Facebook discussions. Update your personal info at the Alumni Association site. And please get your money in as soon as possible, especially if you want one of the rooms at Plymouth Bluff.